Video Star
by Francis

Never had a job order from up high resulted in such joy than the one Cordelia got one evening while doing her clerical duties at the Hyperion lobby.

It came in spurts, the vision, so did the pain. She saw a woman being attacked in an elevator by a horned beasty that reeked like old socks and older sandwiches. But the demon wasn't really maiming the woman, it was standing there and the woman was shrieking.

When the vision subsided, and she was in Angel's manly arms, she told them about the trouble at hand. Angel, Wesley and her left immediately for the pricy hotel where the attack was going to take place. Gunn opted to be left behind so someone could look after Fred.


They reached the hotel just in time for Cordy to see the woman she saw in her vision get on the lift. Standing next to her inside the elevator car, Cordy was suddenly mesmerized by her. Petite, cute, and a little older, but Madonna-older. She smiled at her and the woman smiled back. Behind Cordy, Angel and Wes were fidgety.

"Hi, I'm Cordelia Chase," Cordy suddenly blurted handing her hand out. The woman took and shook it. "Hi," she smiled, not letting go of Cordy's hand. "I'm Kylie."

While normally Cordy would demand for her hand back, she let Kylie hold it for a little longer. Just as she was about to speak up again, Angel and Wes suddenly became animated and started talking, more like babbling.

"Ms. Minogue, it's such an honor meeting you?" Wesley was sort of hyperventilating, his hand held out to her. Cordy was peeved at Wes because Kylie let go of Cordy's hand and took his.

"Thanks," Kylie smiled, Cordy only now noticed the accent. Australian, she thought.

"I'm your biggest fan in the whole world," Angel spoke up, "I have all your records." Kylie shook his hand as well, albeit briefly.

"Wait, you don't have records and CDs," Cordy suddenly remembered. She smiled at Kylie who was sort of fixated on her.

"I do, they're just in the closet with some of my private things," Angel defended.

"Well, I'm happy to say that unlike him my Kylie CDs are out," Wes smiled, adjusting his eyeglasses.

Of course, Cordy was still clueless as to who the woman was, all she knew was that she was sent here to protect her and that she was terribly smitten. Older women, she smiled, who knew?

Then the lift's doors opened on the fourth floor to the horned demon in Cordy's vision, the lift car was suddenly overwhelmed by the foul stench. "Scram stinky," Angel said cooly. The demon, who held a pad and pen, walked away recognizing Angel.

"Wha...What was that?" Kylie asked a little worried.

"Oh, nothing. Probably some drunk stunt man who's having some fun," Cordelia explained as the lift started it's ascent once again.

"Ms. Minogue, would you mind...signing an autograph?" Wes asked blushing.

"Of course not, do you have a pen and..."

"Here," Cordelia handed her a notepad and pen she kept in her bag of weapons. In L.A. you can never be sure who you might bump into, and though she didn't know who this woman was, she was certain that she was some sort of celebrity.

"Wesley Wyndham-Price," the Englishman offered as Kylie began to write.

"Angel," the vampire followed.

"And your Cordelia Chase, right?" Kylie addressed her after signing a page for the two guys.

"Yes, but you can call me Cordy," Cordelia smiled, blushing a little.

"Cordy, I like that," she muttered as she signed a page from the note pad for her. "How would you like to be in a video? I'm doing one, day after next, you are an actress I think?"

"A music video?" Cordy asked cautiously when she heard the word video. Porn suddenly popped into her head. I'm so over that phase, she thought.

"Yes, it's for my new CD."

"Oh, lord! A new Kylie Minogue CD!" Wes and Angel sounded like the chorus line.

"I'm so honored that you'd even ask me to, I mean, I haven't even shown you my dancing skills..." Cordy was smiling from ear to ear.

The lift stopped again and this time it was Kylie's floor, "Why don't you show me now?"

"Now? Here?"

"Not here? In room."

"I don't think I can," she answered. Wes elbowed her from behind prodding her to go. "Besides, I can't just make up an audition piece just like that, I'm not that good when it comes to dancing." Angel groaned behind her, there goes his chance to be on a Kylie video shoot.

Kylie was halfway out of the lift, she held the doors from shutting and looked intensely at Cordy. "Truth be told, I'm not looking for a dancer, God knows I have lots of that. I'm looking for interest."

Cordelia eyes widened and sparkled, "Love interest? Me?"

"I know, it's a little unconventional. It's for the European market, initially," she breathed heavily explaining the music market economics. "So how about it, you want to audition or not?"

"Uh...guys," Cordy turned to Wes and Angel. "Don't wait up for me."

Kylie took Cordy's hand and lead the way. Angel and Wes began shrieking after the lift closed on them again.


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