by Francis

Bobby was the least bit excited learning that Logan would stay in the Mansion for good. He had nothing against Logan though, if anything he respected Logan, even looked up to him.

It was with regards to Marie that Bobby wasn't so giddy about Logan. Granted that there was nothing and there had been nothing between them, except perhaps a bond of life, Logan had once injured Marie by accident and she took from him to survive, there was no escaping the fact that Marie was taken to Logan.

"Isn't it great, that Logan's going to stay here?" Marie said to Bobby as Logan and Scott passed by them.

"I guess," he answered unenthusiastically. He held her gloved hand in his and felt a tinge of jealousy course though his veins. "Now that Jean's gone, we need all the help here."

"That's so morbid," she scowled at him. Morbid was one of those words Jean had managed to put in her vocabulary.

"I'm sorry," he apologized and tugged at her so she fell into his arms. Bobby kissed her so quick that it seemed ridiculous for the pose.

"What's wrong with you, Bobby?" Marie asked him once she managed to get back on her feet. Bobby didn't answer, he only shook his head and frowned. "Is it about John?" she asked him.

"No, it's nothing, Marie," he said to stop the inquiries. They headed to Professor Xavier's office quietly, for their literature class, still holding each other's hand.

The Professor's class was as usual, dull. What kept it from being a complete sleeper was the fact that everyone knew they were being read. Afterwards, Prof. Xavier asked Bobby to stay behind, as well as Marie, who was surprised, as she was genuinely intrigued by the lecture on T.H. White.

"Marie," the Professor addressed her first, "I thank you for being the only person in class to genuinely be intrigued by the lecture. That will be all."

"Thank you, Professor," she smiled and turned to Bobby. "I'll be waiting for you outside," she told him before going out.

"Bobby, I sense that you're troubled by the presence of Mr. Logan."

"It's nothing sir, really. Just a silly thought."

"It's best that you forget these feeling Bobby, these thoughts. Logan and Marie, they have been through a lot together, as you may well know."

"I know sir, Liberty Island..."

"Not just that Bobby," Professor Xavier interrupted. "Marie will always feel the way she feels towards Logan, but that doesn't mean that she loves you any less. Logan saved her life, more than once. She has taken from him the most."

"You're saying that Marie and Logan are linked through that?" Bobby asked even if already understood it. Marie had said that she could feel like Logan and think like him after the Liberty Island incident.

"Yes, Marie is drawn towards Logan because of that. You need not burden yourself with thoughts like the ones you had during class," Prof. Xavier smiled.

"Thank you, Professor." He couldn't help but smile as he left, Marie kissed him when he got out.

"What did the Professor want?" she asked him.

"Nothing, just some guy stuff."

Marie giggled at the thought of the Professor talking to Bobby about guy stuff, she imagined that would be Scott or even Logan would be more apt to do something like that. "Okay."


Professor Xavier managed to laugh as he heard Marie's thoughts. Yes, he would have to agree. He should leave 'guy talks' to Scott and Logan, though he imagined both were not in the mood for such things at this moment. Scott was still grieving Jean and Logan grieving Jean and her rejection of him.

He could feel Jean, though he hasn't mentioned it to anyone yet, he knew that she was alive out there.

Eric still evades him, though through Mystique he has learned of his whereabouts and nothing more. And John, John who like Bobby felt jealousy, jealousy that grew in his heart, jealousy that poisoned reason. He wished that he had called for him, that he had talked to him. Now it was too late, John was gone.

John was the price he paid for Marie.


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