by Errie Wyvern

The day came. The day you faced your own mortality. The car had come so close to hitting you, to taking away everything, and you realized something. You will not live forever.

You tried to ask him a question, but he just shook his head and slammed the door to his soul room. So you went to the next best source. The one who couldn't remember but somehow knew everything.

You went to the Pharaoh.

Gave him a proposition. Information for information. His Egyptian name for the answer to your question.

He agreed, albeit cautiously.

The questioning began.

"Yami, what will happen to Bakura when I...when I die?" You knew that you asked it with the right kind of chocolate puppy eyes, the cute little tilt of your head, and the bright sheen of tears threatening to fall.

Yami had looked shocked, but answered cautiously. Silly Pharaoh. Must be his nature.

"You will be allowed to pass into the next world. The Tomb Robber will be sealed into the Ring." His bloody eyes dimmed at this, and you knew that the same would happen to him when Yugi passed on.

"Oh. Is there any way to let Bakura go from the Sennen Ring?" Yami's shoulder's sagged. He looked older than his five thousand years.

"No. Not that I know of."

You sniffed and turned to go. He looked up sharply; you could feel his eyes on your back and his questions in your heart.

"I leave you now, Wosret, powerful Pharaoh of Egypt."

You turned and waved. He looked at you solemnly and raised his hand. You turned back and continued walking.

You understand now. You are not a god. You will die.

Ryou Bakura is not a god.

Yami Bakura, however, is a completely different story.


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